Utilize GAP Resources to implement the requirements RIGHT the first time so that your organization has a cost-effective baseline for the future.
Compliance Subject Matter Experts
GAP Professionals’ offer strategic level subject matter expertise and tactical problem solving through execution, transition and project management.
Three New Areas Receiving Significant Audit Attention
GAP Resources has found three areas that have recently been receiving significant audit attention include:
Key reports
Segregation of duties
End user computing reviews
Documentation Services for your Technical Processes, Controls and Procedures
GAP Resources Professionals can dig into the details, develop high level summaries or supplement the documentation efforts utilizing their subject matter expertise.
Meeting your needs for SOX Implementation & Execution
GAP Professionals can meet your needs: document, assess, review, redesign, explain, rationalize, train and project manage SOX controls execution and testing across the banking, insurance, manufacturing and service industries.
GAP’s expertise in the Difficult Controls areas of Application & Interface Reviews
With expertise in multiple control processes (business operations, accounting and IT), risk assessment and control identification by GAP Professionals bring a broader perspective and practical ideas to these difficult control areas.
IT Audit & Compliance Support
Consider long-term supplemental support for your program. The GAP staffing model helps to ensure that the same GAP Professional can work with you on a scheduled basis – so you get cost effective assistance when you need it.